Meet Captain Jason Beasley
CAPTAIN JASON BEASLEY is the founder of Cloud 9 Sailing Adventures.
He discovered sailing in high school when a friend bought a hobby cat and they learned to sail by trial and error, flipping the boat every way possible. His friends dubbed him a "sailing fanatic" and knew his dream was that some day he would own a sail boat and take people sailing for a living. Years went on, he bought his first monohull sailboat (these don't flip!), then his second and third. He spent most weekends sailing on the lakes of Texas, learning to art of sailboat racing and honing his skills as an avid sailor.
In 2004 he purchased the original Cloud 9 sailboat in Texas, a 40' Beneteau designed for the Caribbean, and named it "Living on Cloud 9". Which is what he planned to do! It took a year of planning his adventure and future business. He had to sell his home and most of his possessions, just taking what was most important with him, along with his two kitty cats.
Off he sailed! across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean Sea. What an adventure for a man and his two cats, luckily two friends joined him in Florida for the rest of the journey. Nine days across the Atlantic with 25, 30 and 35 knot winds / 15', 30' and even 60' seas. Not much sleep, not much food, and the beer went untouched until arriving in the US Virgin Islands. What a dream arriving to calm turquoise seas, a calm anchorage to finally sleep, and Ice Cream!
Jason spent his first year sailing all the Virgin Islands, getting to know the area. He easily determined that St John was the best place to be and started offering day sail and snorkel trips. Over the years the business grew, a second 47' Beneteau was added to the Fleet and Cloud 9 became a well known popular day sail charter business.
We have made many wonderful friends over the years, and shared many great experiences. Take a trip on Cloud 9 and let Captain Jason entertain you with all his stories.
Captain Jason has his 100 ton master captain license, plus all the safety equipment required! The boats are licensed, insured and Coast Guard approved.
Jason loves sailing and is always willing to share his knowledge or even let you take a turn at the helm. Whether it is your first time on a sailboat or you are an experienced sailor he will make sure you have a good time and experience sailing at it’s best!
Our Additional Crew
We only hire the best!
All of our Crew are safety trained, CPR and first-aid certified. You can be assured that all of our Cloud 9 Crew will provide you with personalized customer service. We always try to pair a team that will share their knowledge of both sailing and the underwater world.
They will entertain you with stories throughout the day and spoil you with drinks and service. If you need snorkeling instruction or would like a guided tour, we are always willing to get in the water with you.

About the Boat Cloud 9

Sail in luxury and comfort on our well-maintained
47' beneteau sailing sloop!
Sit in the shade
in the shaded cockpit.
With comfortable padded seating, and a bimini top.
Have some fun.
Sit in the sun.
With ample seating on our spacious foredeck.
Soak up some rays, dangle your feet in the water.
We even have cushions and cupholders on the bow to enhance your comfort...

We even have a Swim platform
and stable ladder with plenty of hand-holds
For easy entry and
exit of the water.
You will find a nice clean restroom below.
Have a special request for music? We connect to Pandora and Spotify so we can play your favorite music,
we can also plug in your device to play your selected playlist.
We serve drinks on all of our charters and provide snorkle gear and reef-safe sunsceen for your use,
so all you really need to bring is a towel!
Want to Know the Story of Cloud 9 and hurricane IRMA?

Before IRMA
Here is Captain Jason setting up the boats in Hurricane Hole on St John for safety while Hurricane Irma approached. He started the set up a few days before the storm, using six large anchors on each sailboat. Everything he owns is in this photo! His home, business and livelihood... Since the 47' sailboat is his home he stayed on it for the storm. It was the scariest experience in his life!
Normally this is a great protected spot to weather a storm. But NOT for IRMA!
She decided to come into the bay head on at full force and rip boats off their moorings and toss them onto shore. Jason says the two 12' dingies were flying like flags before they got tossed into the trees with their engines torn off. The Zodiac was trapped between shore and the sailboat which proceeded to cause much damage to both.
Winds over 200mph howled and screeched for hours. Lines snapped, anchors dragged, waves pounded and the relentless winds tore the boats to pieces. Luckily Jason survived, scared and shaken, faced with the wreckage of his life.
He spent the worst two hours crouched on a seat, leaning against a wall holding a hatch from blowing off.
After IRMA
The winds subsided, the waves calmed, eventually the sun came out for little bits at a time. Seems the whole island was crying with rain. Life slowed down but did not come to a halt.
Jason was alone on the boat on shore, stranded for days with maybe one or two people passing by, a slow trickle of news started to travel and the extent of the devastation became apparent. Not just to Cloud 9, but to most boats, many homes and the entire island.

Jason lived on the wreckage of the boat until he was evacuated to Texas just before hurricane Maria hit.
The 40’ sailboat, the original Cloud 9, which Jason sailed down from Texas, was high on shore with a broken mast and heavy damage.
This boat was the start of Jason’s life as “Cloud 9”. Originally named “Living on Cloud 9” So many wonderful memories on that boat.
The two Caribe dingies were high up in trees, the motors torn off and sunk, total loss.
The 17’ Zodiac that we called “Thunder Cloud” was destroyed - this boat gave us much pleasure and will be hard to replace.
The 47’ sailboat Cloud 9 that was his home and the boat that he “captained” for charters the past 6 years was badly damaged but estimated to be repairable. Captain Jason spent 15 months on the recovery and rebuild process and is back doing charters in St John now.
A New Life
The 40' boat was declared a total loss because the damage exceeded the value of the boat. BUT! she has been given a new chance at life. Jason Beasley generously transferred the ownership of Blue Cloud 9 to Mark Conrad, who lost his own boat to Irma. With the help of Elliot and Silver Cloud she was yanked back into the water by her proud new owner. The engine still works and Mark is capable of repairing her to sail again someday. We wish Mark much luck and happiness "Living on Cloud 9"

The 47' Cloud 9 spent 15 months in the boatyard at Nanny Cay. Her repairs were extensive! The hull was repaired and sports shiny new paint! All the damaged parts have been removed and replaced. Repairs including a new mast and rigging, all new lifelines, new sails, Bimini top and sail bag, new solar panels and rack, plus many other small items. Cloud 9 is once again solid and sound and sailing!
Jason is REALLY enjoying sailing and sharing the experience of sailing with guest once again! Let him take you sailing and snorkeling "on Cloud 9"!